Linux is one of the most widely used OSs for servers. There are many different distributions using exactly the same core, but the majority have several things in common - they are free to use, which minimizes the total cost of the website hosting service since license fees shall not be included in what you'll have to pay; they are very easy to maintain; and last, but not least, they're far more secure than competitor OSs, because random files, specifically virus-infected ones, can't be executed on the server. This way, you will be able to enjoy a reliable service and spend the time developing and promoting your web sites, not being concerned about basic safety issues. Many Linux-based machines use the Apache server to handle the HTTP traffic, because this software system is extremely fast and is also very easy to maintain and customize in accordance with the requirements of the hosting provider. A Linux server with Apache is the best software environment for your Internet sites and it is not a coincidence that lots of popular script-driven apps these days require LAMP, which symbolizes Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Website Hosting

The cloud website hosting accounts we offer are set up on our cutting-edge personalized cloud website hosting platform. Individual groups of servers are used to deal with each part of the website hosting service, such as emails, databases and so on. Our servers run Linux. The latter has been custom made in order to ensure that we can provide you with a reliable web hosting service without wasting resources. Additionally we use the powerful Apache web server and we even have a full cluster for it, so all HTTP requests between visitors and your websites will be taken care of without any delay. You shall be able to use a wide variety of languages for your sites – HTML, Perl, Python, JavaScript, and so forth., and you'll not have to stress about safety or reliability issues at any time.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you acquire a semi-dedicated server account for your sites, you will be able to take full advantage of a secure and reliable website hosting service on our impressive hosting platform. Linux-powered groups of machines will supply you with the system resources and the uptime that you require, because this OS harmonizes with our requirements and enables us to modify the software environment so as to get the most out of the platform, whose structure contributes to the speed and security of the service even more, for the reason that your files, databases, emails, stats, and so forth., shall have their own group to address them. To boost the efficiency of your Internet sites even further, we use the Apache web server, given that our practical experience demonstrates it's the most suitable one for our custom platform because it's effective, yet light and fast.