With the list of Marketing Applications integrated into the Website Control Panel, you’ll be able to start popularizing your new site, right after it is made. Using the RSS News syndication software, you can quickly place a frequently kept up–to–date notifications area on your site. Utilizing the GeoIP re–direction instrument, you can easily reroute your traffic according to their location. On top of that, via the Sitemap Generator, you can generate an in–depth sitemap for your web site and submit it to the search engines.

A Sitemap Generator

Generate a sitemap with all of your pages in a click

The quickest way to get your recently released site indexed in the search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap offers all of the webpages within your web site and by posting it to a search engine, you inform it you’d like to have those pages to get scanned without delay. Sitemaps are typically generated by 3rd party tools. Nonetheless, with JDT Media Network, you do not need to navigate from the Website Control Panel. Our own in–house–built Sitemap Generator is bundled into the Advanced Applications section and will generate a sitemap for you in a mouse click.

Everything you should do is opt for the highest number of webpages you wish to be indexed, the depth of the listed URLs and the extension of the sitemap document.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Straightforward location–driven redirections

JDT Media Network offers a hassle–free tool, which will let you narrow the customers of your website based on their area. For instance, using the GeoIP re–direction application, you can quickly direct all of the traffic from Spain to the Spanish version of your site if you have such. This can help you focus on your users more accurately and provide them with the on–site stay they expect.

No special abilities or tech expertise are required to use the GeoIP redirection application, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Show the most recent publications on your web site

In the JDT Media Network Website Control Panel, we’ve built in a tool, which allows you to insert information from the most popular media outlets on the planet in your sites, with just a click. Our News tool operates automatically and will not demand any extra setup work on your part,

The RSS News Publication component is fully customizable with regards to HTML and CSS. You’ll be able to modify the amount of news pieces that will be showcased, the way they will look like, how they will be ordered, etcetera.

RSS News